If your pet is suffering from illness of the liver, there are many holistic treatment options available depending upon the type of liver disease.
A drug made from Gila Monster saliva reduces the craving for food.
Holistic puppy care and steps to a better start and, hopefully, some illness prevention.
Newly developed silk from silkworms could be used in super-strong sutures.
It’s easy to blame the weather or old age if your dog lacks vitality. But there are always things you can do to improve your pets wellness.
The health of our pets may also be affected by stress and emotions. Learn the causes of stress in your pet and how it affects their behaviour and do your part to keep them healthy.
Connecting with our pets on a daily basis through massage and stretching has many benefits for both human and animal.
Natural remedies and therapies are not only beneficial for humans but are becoming increasingly popular with our pets especially animal reflexology.
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