EM is an earth saving breakthrough with endless applications in agriculture, industry and the home.
At home
Tips on how you can reduce your energy consumption – from building or renovating, through to what you can do inside your home.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important part of many businesses’ mission statements. But are their customers even aware of it? Here is an overview of corporate conscience
Climate change is now a firmly ingrained issues on the political map in Australia. What are the implications of global warming for Australia and what can you do about it?
The orangutan was once found across South-East Asia including in China and Vietnam and Cambodia, but their survival has been threatened since the mid-1970s as human impacts have reduced their habitats to the islands of Sumatra and Borneo.
How to make sustainable seafood choices for your own health and for that of the environment
Wetlands are nature’s way of cleaning and supporting the surrounding habitat, but these amazing and complex waterways are being overlooked as an answer to current climate woes. Now is the perfect time to leap into conservation efforts.
Tapping into grey water is a great way to keep your garden flourishing when there are water restrictions. Keep reading for more tips on how to use grey water.
The hemp plant can be used to make everything from clothes to musical instruments and houses and is providing an alternative solution in light of the current crises our world faces.
As elephants’ survival is placed in jeopardy, locations in Thailand and Sri Lanka are turning their refuges into places of charm and enchantment, where human and elephant can connect.
Flowforms, based on a concept called a lemniscate, whose symbol represents infinity. Flowforms have been developed to make better use of water in agricultural systems among many other uses.
With advances in technology and a few changes to our habits, we can create a better, more environmentally-friendly way to drive.
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