The natural aromas created by burning incense can focus the mind, alleviate depression, heighten spiritual awareness and even disinfect the air, but scientific research is also finding risks in inhaling the smoke. Moderation could be the key to beneficial use.
At home
The fundamental problem with genetic modification is that it involves corporations owning parts of the food chain.
Lavender essential oil is proving to be a potent antifungal agent.
Did you see the Today Tonight report on alternative medicines last night? Very exciting, albeit rather badly reported, stuff! This is all especially confusing for consumers when it comes in the same year that many medical schools started adding a swag of proven complimentary medicines to their teaching agenda. It got me to thinking – […]
Silky-smooth natural fibres made from plant materials are gaining a firm foothold in the clothing industry and, according to those in the know, it’s a green change for the better.
Did you know that changing your diet can help to reduce your carbon footprint? You don’t have to adopt a strict vegan diet to ensure our planet remains healthy.
Chooks, ducks, geese and turkeys rise with the sun and happily spend their days heads down and bottoms up, cleaning up insects, pests and weeds, and fertilising as they go!
Australia’s great love affair with citrus puts them in a category of their own when talking fruit trees for the home garden.
There is nothing like growing, cooking and eating your own home-grown food. It’s good for the body and for the spirit!
In days gone by, home gardens always included a few different fruit trees, a tradition that’s well worth revisiting.
Jackie French takes a few minutes to share the answers to all the gardening questions she is most frequently asked!
Can you create a home from garbage? We have been taking more and more resources from the planet and in recent years there has been a move to address this imbalance.
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