We live in a time of limited space. Fortunately, many innovative garden design ideas come from the need to make small spaces work.
At home
When you feel lost, using your dreams for guidance can help you get back on track
Coral may yield a useful protection against HIV.
Need your house to work for you? Follow these basic feng shui principles and start to notice the difference a tidy, uncluttered and well-thought-out layout can make to your life.
Antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics is on the rise in veterinary medicine. Discover natural alternatives for your pets.
Don’t be just a half-informed gardener when you can become a serious student of horticulture with the right resources.
Cities around the world will soon have the opportunity to be designated “diabetes awareâ€.
Beautiful mathematics excites your brain in the same way as beautiful art or music.
Academics have outlined sustainable livestock practices for the future.
A community garden connects neighbours, provides healthy outdoor activity and gives its gardeners a fabulous source of homegrown produce.
Rather than sending that old chair or worn-out lounge to landfill, there are many ways you or someone else can make good use of it.
Make your backyard a peaceful sanctuary for the wellbeing of you and your family as well as all the other creatures that feel at home there.
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