Reduce food waste and your carbon footprint with these simple tips (hint: they will save you money, too!)
At home
Recent research suggests social ties are as important to our health and wellbeing as diet and exercise. As extensions of ourselves and microcosms of society, our homes are the perfect place to start designing and building better relationships.
In World War II citizens were urged to “Dig for Victory”. Today, as Greenland melts and smoke from Russian fires turns the snow black in Canada and the northern USA, we face an enemy that could be more dangerous than any in World War II: ourselves.
It is far more important and critically urgent to stop throwing out so much food than it is to watch what is actually on our plates. Follow these 10 expert tips to reduce your food waste today.
Recent research suggests social ties are as important to our health and wellbeing as diet and exercise. As extensions of ourselves and microcosms of society, our homes are the perfect place to start designing and building better relationships.
Clutter is junk we accumulate in our houses or offices and it is important to declutter and tidy up. Physically it helps our houses look tidier. Mentally and emotionally it also gives us the satisfaction of a clean environment creating space for new experiences in life. If you are uncomfortable with where you are at in your life it’s time to let go, get rid of the clutter and move on.
Single-use plastics are everywhere: coffee cups, produce bags, plastic water bottles, plastic smoothie cups, plastic straws — the list goes on. You’d have to be living under a large rock not to know there’s a single-use plastic disaster happening globally, so it prompts the question: why?
Unless we significantly alter our daily habits we may witness climate change so devastating our lives will become troubled. Here’s how to change your habits for the good of your and the planet’s health.
When was the last time you did something creative? Sung a song? Danced? Painted or sketched? All these things help increase your creativity, work on your second and fourth chakra and release good energy to your environment. What is happening inside is a reflection of what is outside of you and vice-versa.
Palliative care is treatment of symptoms of a condition rather than treatment of the underlying condition itself. Our pets are blessed. With help, many can spend their final days surrounded by family in their home, something most of us humans can only hope for.
The high and growing cost of heating and cooling your house, and its contribution to global warming, makes it imperative you become more conscious of how you regulate the temperature at home.
Planting a tree is an act of optimism. With it comes hope that a seed or stick will grow, find the water and food it needs, soak up CO2 from our planet and grow strong and healthy. When you plant a tree, you expect it to cool the land with its shade, provide a home for birds and beetles, offer food for countless creatures and, when it blossoms, offer fruit and seeds for all living things, including humans.
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