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Sticky Ginger & Miso Salmon with Rice & Wilted Spinach

Kfibre™ is a complex and natural fibre supplement that supports microbial diversity by feeding various bacteria in your gut. Backed by years of university research, Kfibre nourishes your microbiome just like fertiliser nourishes your garden. For more low-FODMAP recipes, head to Monash University Low FODMAP Certified™ recipes: One serving of a meal made in accordance with this recipe can assist with following the Monash University Low FODMAP diet™. A strict low FODMAP diet should only be commenced under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Mediterranean diet

The real Mediterranean diet

The first detailed study of this storied heart-healthy diet goes all the way back to the 1940s on Crete — the largest of the Greek islands in the Mediterranean. Find out what the island’s inhabitants were doing so right. Their lessons might astonish you.

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Thai Almond Satay Tofu Skewers

Tofu will provide you with a good dose of non-haem iron. This important mineral is needed for strengthening the immune system. We need good levels of iron to produce white blood cells and antibodies to protect us from viruses and bacteria and other illness-causing microbes. People with low iron levels often have weakened immune function and are more vulnerable to catching colds and flu and other infections.

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Broccoli Poppers with Avocado & Kale Dip

Broccoli poppers are delicious! There is no need to feel bad about a little frying. Ensure your oil is hot enough so the poppers don’t absorb it and use the best-quality oil you can find. Serve with nutrient-dense dipping sauce.


Lowe ‘Bio-logical’ Preservative Free Shiraz

Nothing added but natural yeast and the best organic & biodynamic grapes. Preservative free (no added sulphur), unfiltered, unfined & vegan – this has all the health ticks. Vibrant & raw, the flavour is fruit forward and devoid of drying tannin, scent is of blueberries and a touch of pepper.