The Power Of Quantum Languaging

The power of quantum languaging

Are you choosing your words or are your words choosing your reality? Language operates on a multifaceted scale and is fundamental to the rendering of your every moment. Here, we explore how upgrading your words is a powerful tool for upgrading your life.

Rudyard Kipling poignantly declared, “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by [human]kind.” This zealous statement was made during a speech Kipling gave in London in 1923, where he went on to describe how language enters into and influences “the minutest cells of the brain”, a concept he could only deduce through his own observations of people and the world. Almost a century later, this reverence for the supreme influence of words is upheld across diverse modalities, from science, to spirituality, to the arts.

The concept of quantum languaging tells us that the way we speak to ourselves and others has the ability to shape our experience of life at a fundamental level. Words come with much more weight than their dictionary definitions.

Words are complex, wonderful and dangerous things! Words are the ultimate multitaskers, operating on myriad levels all at once. They have a literal meaning, a meaning within specific context and sentencing, subjective meanings, creative meanings, meanings by connotation and energetic meanings. Words help you give meaning to life itself. Through words you share information, build relationships, express emotions and tell stories. You can use language to merge the invisible with the tangible. Words give form to thought.

In fact, language is the number one way we program the subconscious and, according to neuroscience and quantum physics, the subconscious mind is responsible for a staggering 95 per cent of our experience of reality. This is good news because once you realise this you are empowered to consciously harness the positive potential of words to foster health and happiness, creating a rich and fulfilling life.

What is quantum languaging?

The term quantum languaging was coined by Dani Kratz, a journalist and transformational coach, whose fascination with the energetic frequencies of words led her to dive into the world of deconstructing and “upgrading” language as a vital tool to shape your every human experience.

As the name suggests, its principle is linked with quantum theory, which states that everything in the universe has a vibration with different frequencies. In application of this to language, each word has its own unique vibrational frequency. At the base level, positive words have a higher frequency, while negative words operate at a lower frequency. Hence, the language you choose can affect your personal vibrational field, which is in constant interaction with other frequencies that ultimately come together to shape your reality.

With this in mind, the words you engage with become increasingly powerful — for better or worse. According to Kratz, all language is encoded with metadata that affects the psychological, emotional and energetic bodies and therefore is the fundamental building block of our known world. This applies to the words you use to construct your inner thoughts and the words you use in outward communications. With every word you choose, you are programming your subconscious, which in turn is programming your reality.

Your neurons agree

If navigating the quantum realm of word frequencies feels somewhat illusive, then the lens of neuroscience can be looked through to examine the impact of words. Research confirms that words not only have deep psychological implications, they profoundly affect the outcome of your life.

A neuroscience experiment, published in the journal Pain as “Do words hurt? Brain activation during the processing of pain-related words”, was carried out by Maria Richter and a team of scientists in Germany to look at the neural mechanisms underlying the processing of certain words by the brain.

They investigated subjects who were required to engage with both auditory and imagined words that were categorised as pain-related, negative, positive or neutral words. During the experiment, their brain waves were monitored using functional MRI scanning. The outcome revealed that painful and negative words (which could also be referred to as low-frequency words in the context of quantum languaging) increased activity within the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, an area of the brain that plays an important role in regulating emotion. In a nutshell, this proved that negative words have the power to produce stress- and anxiety-producing hormones in human subjects, even when they are just imagined.

On the flip side, the simple act of engaging with positive words, whether verbal, written or imagined, also has the power to affect your brain for the better at a biochemical level. In their co-authored book Words Can Change Your Brain, neuroscientist Dr Andrew Newberg and communication specialist Mark Waldman state that holding positive words in the mind stimulates frontal lobe activity, which includes specific language centres directly connected to the motor cortex, a part of the brain that moves you into action. This beautifully illustrates the notion of turning “thoughts to things”, or rather, turning words to real life manifestations that shape your world — both in perception and practice.

Do you need a language detox?

When you understand that the lexicon and language you use are intrinsic to your worldly experience, through the way that words impact your brain both subconsciously and consciously, as well as carrying vibrational codes, you may want to pause and closely examine the words you continually use. You may find that you need to do a language detox!

If conducting a self-audit reveals that your communication with yourself and others is steeped with lower frequency language, you are not alone. According to experts, your brain naturally has what is known as a negativity bias. That is, your default setting is one that focuses on the negative and where negative has greater impact on you than positive. This is true whether it be thoughts, words or experiences. For example, it typically takes about five positive interactions with someone to counteract the impact of just a single negative interaction with the same person.

Shaman Durek, a contemporary spiritual leader, says that he finds most humans do indeed communicate with themselves in a negative way. A common thread is that people iterate what they are not doing in life rather than focusing on what they are doing or achieving. This breeds a vocabulary and inner dialogue that perpetuates lack by continually reminding oneself of what is missing or inadequate through personal inner language. When languaging takes this form, the experience of life also becomes one that is lacking.

Instead, suggests Durek, you can choose to utilise language as an intelligent energy source that moves energy in the direction you want it to move. In spiritual conceptualisation, you can change from the negative to the positive by learning to “soul talk”. Essentially this means communicating with yourself in a way that resonates with your soul (and brain) at a higher frequency. For example, you would likely feel much better if at the end of a long and stressful day at work, where you were not able to get through everything you planned, if you changed, “I didn’t finish enough of that report, I have to work late,” to “The work I have done today was excellent and I will have more time to continue it tomorrow.”

Quantum hacking how you communicate

In order to apply the quantum languaging method to your own life, you can follow some simple steps. The first point of change is to create awareness around what language traps you have fallen into, identifying the words and phrases that do not support the programming you want to be sending to your subconscious mind. Next, you focus on replacing, rewording and rethinking any offending language. For example, “I am so upset/angry with myself” can shift to “I have compassion for myself.”

When language is distinctly negative, such as the above, it is easy to identify it as being problematic. Recognising the words and phrases you are using that don’t instantly scream negativity, yet which do contain detrimental embedded messages (or energetic codes) is slightly more complicated. In her book Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change, Katz helps highlight common language pitfalls that could be unknowingly sabotaging your life.

For instance, how many times have you said, “I have to …”? Using have to can be viewed as disempowering and implying a burden. This can be upgraded to using “I get to” or “I choose to” in order to change the messaging to one of agency, opportunity and choice. Or have you ever considered that the word try could be holding you back? When you say you will try to do something, you are already acknowledging that it may not happen or succeed, such as “I am going to try to eat healthily.” Rid yourself of this weak word and evoking perceived failure. Without it, your sentence becomes a truly committed proclamation: “I am going to eat healthily.” Yoda was right all along when he said, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Another very common small word that can have large unwanted consequences is but. It is especially important to bring awareness to this when communicating with others, as well as ourselves. When you use but mid-sentence, it inherently renders the information before it to be inadequate to that which follows. Using but often cancels out the first half of the phrase and delivers the latter with hierarchical distortion. Remove but and experiment with and, yet, also, plus or as well in its place in order to communicate more effectively and inclusively.

Other words to look out for on your language hacking radar include can’t (replace with not going to / not available for / choosing not to), need (perpetuates lack) and “contracting words” like no, should, hate and don’t (which both literally and energetically constrict communication). After all, at the heart of communication is the ability to expand, so utilising words that do the opposite is counterintuitive.

Choose your words wisely

Language and words shape your life, from the moment you wake up to when you fall asleep at night; most humans have a near constant stream of internal dialogue or outward communications. The perpetual wheel of communication saturates your subconscious, which goes on to program your experience of reality — both awake and asleep (dreams are projected by the subconscious and can be shaped by language too).

When considering how pervasive words really are, it is no surprise that they carry extreme power in your life, with science to prove it and spirituality to guide it. Quantum languaging is a useful tool that offers you a way to essentially upgrade your life by upgrading your words. As Katz says, “Every word we speak, scribble, type or think directs reality as to how to configure,” and you can strive, word by word, towards creating a reality reflective of your goals and dreams. The key: choose your words wisely because your language must energetically match the life you envision for yourself in order to create it.

Lolita Walters

Lolita Walters

Lolita is an Australian journalist and writer with a passion for wellness, beauty and travel. A certified yoga teacher, she brings a mindful approach to her work, exploring the intersection of science and spirit to share knowledge that inspires a luminous life.

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