If you want to obtain as much delicious energy from your fruit and veg as possible, it’s time to get out of the supermarket and into your garden.
Jackie French falls in love with a window’s living curtains of green. Discover how you can create a green window garden.
Greenery can add vibrancy, value and beauty to homes of all sizes — it just takes a bit of creativity.
Your garden can be a soothing sanctuary not just for you but also for that furry member of your family. Here’s how to give your pet an outdoor space to love.
In the garden, the sweetest perfumes can act as pest repellents. Use these herbs and flowers to keep your garden healthy and vibrant.
If you want to nurture the planet and amplify your health at the same time, composting your scraps and fattening up some worms are nifty ways to do it. Here, we show you how.
Discover the many ways nature’s music can profoundly impact the human body and psyche – plus create your own musical garden!
We share how you can beautify your bathroom with foliage.
Jackie French shares her five rules of vegie gardening and how to create the perfect no-dig garden.
We discuss what to do when wild birds are eating your homegrown fruit.
One of life’s simplest pleasures must be to admire gem-coloured butterflies frolicking in the flowers, so why not create a garden full of these beautiful creatures?
We investigate how planting certain plants in close proximity improves growth, enhances the flavour of fruits and vegetables and more.
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