Natural Medicine Week

Boost Your Immunity – Naturally  

As we approach the cooler months, think of your immune system as your very own special superhero. When it is fit and strong, each time a germ or virus invades the body, it goes to work finding the source and producing antibodies to fight it off. So, it is vital we keep our immunity superhero strong, and there are lots of ways we can do this with the help of natural medicine and with the support of natural therapists.

In celebration of Natural Medicine Week, 22 – 28 May 2023, we have put together some of our accredited practitioners’ top tips to support your immunity – naturally.

It’s all about balance

One of the best ways to build strong immunity is to eat the rainbow – try different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins and healthy fats. This will ensure your body has the essential vitamins and minerals to function properly and support strong immunity.

Immune supporting ingredients include garlic, ginger, turmeric and oregano. It can also be helpful to include probiotic supplements to further support your immune health – we recommend seeking advice from an accredited natural medicine practitioner to find the best one for you. You could also boost your immunity with vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, and elderberry.

If you would like help with creating an immune-boosting meal plan – speak to an accredited Nutritionist. Click here to find one near you!

Hit the magic number

We all know how important sleep is to our health – we just need to get better at prioritising it! Sleep is vital to supporting a healthy immune system; as we rest, our bodies do a lot of work healing, restoring cells and fighting off bad bacteria.

We should aim to get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. To help you achieve this create a nightly routine and keep it consistent so your body adjusts.

Move your body

By exercising and keeping fit you are giving your body the best chance to fight off viruses. Regular exercise can also help to boost your mood and reduce stress. As part of your exercise routine, why not include yoga or meditation to exercise your mind as well as your body.

Stay hydrated with water + herbal teas

Hydration is so important to support our bodies in expelling toxins from the body. By drinking water each day you are supporting your body’s natural functions – if you struggle to remember to drink water, get a 1L bottle or jug and sit it on your desk to serve as a reminder to have a drink!

Herbal teas can also support the immune system. Teas like YEP tea which is Yarrow, Elder and Peppermint, green tea, elderberry tea, lemon and garlic tea with manuka honey, and echinacea tea, are known to positively support your body.

Want to find out which herbal teas could benefit you and your health? Speak to an Accredited Naturopath or Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner – find one near you here!

Stop and smell the essential oils

Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils can support the immune system. Eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender oils have antimicrobial properties that can help boost the immune system.

Learn more about essential oils and the right ones for you by seeing an Aromatherapistclick here to find one near you.

There are many natural therapies that can support you in building and maintaining a strong immune system year-round.

Our bodies and health needs are all different, be sure to seek advice from an Accredited Practitioner before trying anything new – see all the different types of natural therapies here.

As part of Natural Medicine Week 2023, accredited practitioners from around Australia are hosting online events so you can learn more about supporting your health and wellbeing naturally. Click here to find a Natural Medicine Week event.

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