Battling the post-holidays blues

Lucky me was sent to Rotorua for work and for four days I woke up to this stunning view, but now I think a bit of post-holidays blues have set in. I’m considering using this as my computer wallpaper, but in doing so I may run the risk of making myself even more blue!

I really do wish I was back in Rotorua, looking out to Mokoia Island, sipping tea and kicking back with a great book.

Incidentally, this book just arrived from Amazon. I’ve only read the first chapter but I’m hooked. I was inspired to buy it after reading this article in the NYTimes and wanting to know more about alternatives to charity work. I want to find out what really works. Once this book arrives, I should be a little more educated.

Mum always said, if you’re feeling depressed, do something for someone else and you’ll feel a little better. This is my slightly ammended version: reading about better ways to help others will help me get over my post-holiday come down. 🙂

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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