Beauty - face - multiple

The face of beauty

New research has found that what we regard as beautiful in a face relates to the distances between eyes and mouth. Researchers asked people to rate attractiveness of faces that had identical features but different distances between eye and mouth and between the eyes. Female Caucasian faces were judged as being beautiful when the vertical distance between their eyes and mouth was approximately 36 per cent of the face’s total length and the horizontal distance between their eyes was around 46 per cent of the face’s width. Interestingly, these proportions correspond with those of the average face. This explains why an attractive person can look unattractive after a haircut as the changed hair changes facial length or width. It may also explain why men who don’t trust their instincts take a tape measure on a first date, at least that’s a more comforting explanation than the disturbing alternatives.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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