
The Supertaskers

In Australia it is illegal to talk on the mobile phone and drive because your driving will suffer. For a new study people on a driving simulator were called on their phone and asked memory and maths questions. For 97.5 per cent of people this meant a significant deterioration in driving skills as well as reduced performance on the tests. For 2.5 per cent of people though, their driving skills did not alter and they actually did better on the maths tests when multitasking: these are the “supertaskers”. Jet-fighter pilots are now being studied as a group of likely supertaskers to see exactly what is different about a supertasker’s brain. Before you talk and drive thinking you are a supertasker consider this; the chances of any one person being a supertasker are the same as tossing a coin and having it land “heads” five times in a row.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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