
Putting the men in men-opause

If you think the female menopause is a hot medical topic, then you should see what is written about the male menopause. There is hot debate as to whether such a thing as masculine menopause exists at all which is why researchers from Europe decided to look for a definite link between low testosterone levels and a set of symptoms that could then be described as male menopause. To do this they surveyed almost 3400 men aged 40 to 79 across Europe giving them a range of tests about their health and taking blood samples. They wanted to identify if men with low testosterone levels (defined as a free testosterone level of less than 64 picograms per millilitre of blood) had a uniform set of symptoms. Although there were 32 symptoms that could have been expected to arise from low testosterone only three had a consistent association with low testosterone levels. Those symptoms were decreased frequency of morning erection, general erectile dysfunction, and decreased frequency of sexual thoughts (a loss of libido). This is the set of symptoms that, when associated with low testosterone levels, make up the male menopause. Other symptoms traditionally thought to be part of the male menopause like changed sleep patterns, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of physical capability were not found to be associated with low testosterone. The other interesting finding was only two per cent of men in the study were found to be experiencing men-opause. So low testosterone levels may not be the plague for ageing men that they were thought to be. Despite this in the United States alone there has been a 400 per cent increase in prescriptions of testosterone for ageing men over the last decade. It seems testosterone might not be the magic anti-ageing bullet that some men hoped it might be.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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