
Pain-free dentistry

A visit to the dentist is not the highlight of the human experience. It’s hard to engage in witty banter when someone has their fist down your throat and there is the prospect of drills and needles in the offing. If you the mere thought of the whiff of burning enamel turns your stomach then take heart, because a new painless treatment for tooth decay might be on the way.

Tooth decay begins when acid produced by bacteria in plaque dissolves the mineral component of teeth. This causes microscopic pores or holes to form and as these increase in size and number to form larger holes a tooth may have to be drilled and filled or even removed. Most dentists are skilled artisans who cause a minimum of pain but now a new technology could provide a non-surgical approach to tooth decay.

Researchers have developed a fluid that contains a peptide known as P 11-4. When applied to the tooth the fluid seeps into the micropores that are present and spontaneously forms into a gel. This gel provides a framework that attracts calcium and regenerates the tooth from within, providing a pain free repair.

In a recent test done on adults with early signs of tooth decay the P 11-4 fluid did in fact reverse tooth damage and regenerate the tooth tissue. If these results are replicated in larger groups then the fluid will probably appear in dentist’s surgeries in a few years time.

Dentophobes it is time to rejoice, drills and spills in the dentist’s chair could be a thing of the past.

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