
Muscle up against diabetes

There are all sorts of good reasons for going to the gym, and some of them are all the good sorts that go the gym. Beyond the purely aesthetic pleasures of gym attendance however, there are also some physical and mental reasons why you might attend the gym and in particular pump a few weights while you are there. You will build muscle of course and not only does that make you look darn good in a t-shirt and improve your posture and stability, according to a new study it can also reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

For the study researchers analysed data from 13 644 adults who had completed surveys on their health and nutritional status including measurements of Body Mass Index and muscle mass.

The results showed that for every ten per cent increase in their skeletal muscle index (a ratio of muscle mass to total body weight) there was an eleven per cent reduction in resistance to insulin and a twelve per cent reduction in prediabetes (elevated blood sugar levels). These relationships held true even when other factors were taken into account.

This is all because muscle is one of the major insulin-sensitive tissues in your body. It is lack of sensitivity to insulin that results in the high blood sugar levels of diabetes and the damage that arises from those high levels of circulating glucose can be severe.

So not only do you need to have your weight at a healthy level to be truly healthy, you also want to have plenty of muscle because that will help you use your insulin more efficiently and get your blood sugar down.

As the researchers say, if you are fat and not fit your risk of diabetes is high. If you are a little heavy and fit, you are probably okay since muscle weighs more than fat. In the end though, fit beats fat every time.

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