
Hot chilli cools appetite

Chilli peppers, also known as cayenne, tend to divide the prospective diner: either you are a fan or you go pale at the thought of what the potent food can do to the lining of your delicate and sensitive oral cavity. What new research has shown however, is that it is precisely these chilli-phobes, sometimes known as “hot-pepper-pussies”, who will gain the greatest benefit in terms of weight loss from this spice.

In previous studies it has been shown that cayenne can increase your metabolism and so help with weight loss as well as reducing appetite. The unique thing about this new study is that it showed how much benefit you reap from cayenne will depend on how frequently you eat it.

For the study subjects were given an average of one gram of ordinary dried, ground, cayenne in their food, not in a capsule as has been done previously in some studies. The study went for six weeks and involved people who were not overweight.

Prior to the study it was established how much each person liked, and used, cayenne (chilli). Those people who did not enjoy cayenne were only given 0.3 grams while regular cayenne users were given 1.8 grams.

All people experienced an increase in core body temperature and burnt more kilojoules through increased energy expenditure. However, it was people who did not regularly eat cayenne who experienced a significant decrease in hunger, especially for fatty, salty, and sweet foods.

The researchers point out that it seems that once cayenne becomes familiar to people, it loses its efficacy. These individual differences need to be remembered when using cayenne for weight loss or appetite control. The researchers also note that it seems to be the burn in the mouth that has the impact on digestion, metabolism, and appetite.

Given these caveats in how it should be used, it still seems that cayenne is a hot and healthy thing when it comes to weight loss.

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