
Hi-biscus, low-blood pressure

Herbal remedies don’t always tasty but they are usually effective. It is a bonus to find a herbal remedy that tastes pleasant but also lowers your blood pressure and that is what hibiscus tea can do. Test tube studies have shown that hibiscus tea is a herbal remedy that should lower blood pressure. To test this in humans people were given either three cups of hibiscus tea per day (containing 3.5 grams of hibiscus flowers) or a hibiscus flavoured placebo drink. In the hibiscus group systolic blood pressure was lowered by 5.5 per cent. In the general population this would lead to a fourteen per cent reduction in death from stroke and a nine per cent reduction in death from heart disease. Herbal remedies can be such social medicine: sip on hibiscus tea over conversation with a friend and lower your blood pressure at the same time.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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