
Golden Coconut Bombs treat acne

Researchers have found that the substance lauric acid, a component of coconut oil and also breast milk, can kill the bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) that gets into blocked ducts and causes the inflammation and discomfort of acne. The problem is getting the lauric acid to the bacteria and these researchers have found a new way: nanoparticles made of gold. The gold nanoparticles stop the “bombs” containing the lauric acid from fusing together and are attracted to the acid produced by the bacteria. When they get to the bacteria the gold breaks away from the bombs releasing the lauric acid over the bacteria: killing them. The researchers say that the gold nanoparticles are inert and have been approved for clinical use. We know however that titanium dioxide which is inert as a macro molecule becomes toxic at nano-size. The body also has trouble eliminating nanoparticles. Human trials are about to happen.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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