
Ginger for the gym

If you find yourself feeling a little bit ginger with muscle pain after a workout then the herb ginger might be just what you need. Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory effects and therefore to help in conditions like arthritis. This study wanted to see if the herb’s ability to protect against inflammation might help in reducing post-workout muscle soreness. Volunteers took capsules that contained either two grams of raw ginger, two grams of heat treated ginger, or a placebo. It has been suggested that heating ginger may increase its pain relieving effects. The volunteers took the capsules for eleven consecutive days and on the eighth day performed eighteen extensions of the elbow flexors with a heavy weight to induce moderate muscle injury to the arm. Arm function, inflammation and pain were measured. Only the raw ginger group experienced benefit having a reduction in pain of 25 per cent.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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