
Coffee the liver lover

Liver fibrosis is scarring of the liver occurring as the second stage of long term liver disease. Coffee drinking has been linked to a lower risk of chronic liver disease and liver cancer. The question has been whether it is just caffeine or coffee itself that gives the benefits. These researchers examined patients with liver disease and their caffeine intake from all sources; coffee, tea, chocolate, and more. About two cups of coffee per day gave a reduction in liver fibrosis compared to only one cup a day and coffee gave more protection than other caffeine sources. People with hepatitis C had a fourteen per cent decrease in their chances of having advanced liver fibrosis for every 67mg (half cup of coffee) increase in caffeine consumption daily. More than two cups of coffee daily can have negative consequences but love your liver today with a liver latte.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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