
Calling all sperm

It is no news alert that use of mobile phones can potentially reduce a man’s fertility. This much has been shown in a few earlier studies but what a new study has shown is exactly why this might be the case.

In the new research the first finding of note was that mobile phone use appeared to be correlated with an increase in testosterone levels. This runs counter to the prevailing idea that mobile phone use might impede fertility since higher testosterone levels should raise sperm quality and counts. However, the researchers also found that men who use mobile phones frequently actually have lower sperm quality and a decrease in fertility.

These two findings appear to be at odds but the researchers in question made another finding which makes sense of the apparent paradox.

Blood tests revealed that men who reported high levels of mobile phone use did have high circulating testosterone levels but they also had lower levels of a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland known as luteinising hormone (LH).

In men LH causes the conversion of testosterone in the more potent and active form of testosterone “dihydrotestosterone”, which has approximately three to four times the activity levels of testosterone alone.

The researchers behind this study have hypothesised that the electromagnetic waves (EMWs) given off by mobile phones may increase the number of cells in the testes that produce testosterone. However, those same EMWs may cause the pituitary gland to release less LH leading to lower levels of dihydrotestosterone and therefore reduced sperm production and reduced fertility.

It all adds up to lending new weight to the phrase, “get off the phone”.

Source: Queen’s University, CanadaMeanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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