
Burrs in your blood

Nanoburrs are tiny particles designed to attach to artery walls and slowly release drugs to treat atherosclerosis and other inflammatory heart diseases. The nanoburrs are spheres that are 60 nanometres in diameter whereas the head of a pin is around one million nanometers in diameter. The inner core of the nanoburr contains the drug and a polymer chain called PLA. The middle layer is a fatty material, soybean lecithin, and the outer coating is a polymer PEG that protects the burr as it travels through the blood stream. The nanoburrs are designed to attach to a specific part of the artery wall that is only exposed when the artery gets damaged. So the nanoburrs will attach where they are needed and can release the drug for up to twelve days depending on the length of the PLA chain in the core. Let’s assume those polymers are thoroughly tested.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

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