Nov 26

Bad driving is genetic

We’ve all come across bad drivers in our time but a new study might change the way you look at those road hogs. Researchers asked people to undertake a 15-lap driving simulation test on two occasions. They then did some genetic testing on the people and matched the results against their driving performance. The result was that those with a mutation in a particular gene did consistently worse on their driving tests. The mutated gene in question is responsible for manufacturing a substance called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is involved in memory. You could use this information two ways: next time you are cut off by an uncaring driver you could forgive them as it’s down to their genetics and they can’t help it; alternatively, you could scream out “Mutant!” with some sense of justification. The former option may be the best for all concerned.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.

The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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