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Prebiotics 101 The Healthy Gut Diet

Prebiotics 101: The healthy gut diet

The gut microbiome is essential for human health and prebiotics are essential for the microbiome. Here’s everything you need to know about prebiotics!

Plant Based Diet On A Plate

Plant based diets and your health – good or bad?

Some people do well on a vegan diet while others don’t do so well. Your gut health and genetics play a big part in the reasons why. There has been much debate about whether veganism is a healthy diet for humans or if it can lead to deficiency. It works for some and not for others. Here’s part of the reason why.

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How your diet can improve your sexual wellbeing

Are you ready to nourish your hormones and spice up your love life? It’s time to turn it up a notch in the kitchen and the bedroom by harnessing the power of “sexy” nutrition. From aphrodisiac foods to natural circulation enhancers, here’s how to really use food as foreplay — plus, what to do beyond what you put on your plate for sexual wellbeing.

Good Hair

Good hair is healthy hair

What is good hair? It can be anything to anyone. Whatever you perceive that to be. There are way to improve the quality and quantity of hair