Research shows that your plate holds the key to a brighter, more balanced mind, opening vital new roads to mental health treatment. We explore the burgeoning world of nutritional psychiatry, where feelings and flavours converge.
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Anyone in an overwhelming situation of some kind may carry out the action. Stimming can be with sounds or through movement and results in using a lot of energy. Stimming is a mixture of repeated actions made by people with autism as a reaction to overwhelming emotions.
You know that feeling when one part of your life is in a flat tailspin while another part is soaring to great heights? We are complex beings and capable of experiencing all the emotional seasons in one day like rain on a sunny day. Of course, this can be disorienting and draining, but the trick is knowing how to deal with life when we feel torn in two, feeling both good, bad and just a bit mixed up.
By medicalising your emotions, you reduce or minimise your true self and look to problem solve rather than to understand what is really going on for you. Learn how to stop fixing and start feeling again.
Fertility and hormone health are considered a physical issue, but there’s much more to it than that — your mind has a major role to play. We take an in-depth look.
Left-handed people experience emotions in the opposite side of the brain as compared to right-handers.
Do you suffer from a lot of illness, anger, stress, worry? It may be due to a lack of thought control.
Botox injections can undermine your ability to understand other’s emotions.
Negative emotions have a powerful effect on our health, but with the right state of mind, we can take the power back.
Our feelings can be agents for self-transformation once we have allowed ourselves to be more aware of them.
Two of the critical elements on the path of alternative cancer treatment are Patience and Trust. Trusting in the process.