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Butter Baked Fish

Butter Baked Fish

By: WellBeing Team

At The Organic Milk Co., it is the valued relationships with suppliers, customers and the communities they serve that make it all possible.



Prep time

Cook time



  • Bunch asparagus, ends chopped
  • 2 barramundi fillets
  • 2 corn cobs
  • Organic Milk Co. Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Sweet paprika


  • Sauté asparagus with butter and finely grated garlic for 4-6 mins then season with salt.
  • Coat the corn with butter, salt and a pinch of sweet paprika and bake in air fryer for about 10-12 mins.
  • Add 1 tsp of butter and a drizzle of olive oil to a frying pan. Fry the fish seasoned with salt and pepper on medium heat, turning it every 4 mins until cooked through.
  • Serve with baked potatoes.


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WellBeing Team

WellBeing Team

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