How to have a toxin-free family
Welcome all to my blog. The focus of this blog is to bring awareness to families about the toxins which are now part of our lives in the 21st century. I’ll be writing about what toxins are, the effect they have and the measures we can all take to reduce or avoid them. Why? It is well known that certain toxins can disrupt the endocrine system and cause havoc in the methylation pathway in cells. Overloading this pathway can impact on the overall health and function of the biochemical processes in the brain and contribute to imbalances that we observe in children and adults with, for example, mental disorders.
My family and I have been eating a predominantly organic diet for the past 30 years and we have changed our personal care items as we have become aware of their toxic effects .
I have a child who was diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder two years ago and by eliminating sugar and gluten from her diet, eating a diet which is 85- 90 per cent organic and supplementing with the vitamins and minerals that her body requires, she has been able to manage the cycles of the condition without medication. Medication may be necessary for some children/adolescents of course.
Being aware of toxins that we are in contact with daily, whether in the household, in the food we eat or on our bodies, gives us all an opportunity to reduce the toxic load overall and keep our bodies functioning well and maintaining a balance.
There are thousands of toxins in our environment. We do not know the long-term effect of the majority of these toxins on our bodies so it is sensible to reduce or eliminate them where possible. Children and babies are more vulnerable to toxins as a rule. which is why the focus of this blog is on families.
My family and I have been eating a predominantly organic diet for the past 30 years and we have changed our personal care items as we have become aware of their toxic effects .
Now, a bit about me. I have been a practising naturopath, classical homeopath and massage therapist for the past 25 years. My interest over the past few years has concentrated more on providing an informative and nurturing session to parents on the benefits of massaging their babies, cooking with wholefoods and reducing the toxic load.
I look forward to helping your family grow and thrive.