The Base Chakra Unlocking our instincts; reclaiming our bodies
“To lose our connection with the body is to become spiritually homeless. Without an anchor we float aimlessly, battered by the winds and waves of life.” Anodea Judith
When you are having trouble with your family, when you have lost your strength to go on, when you feel disconnected, dizzy, experience low blood pressure and lack an appetite and when you feel that your feet aren’t even close to touching the ground, it’s very likely that you’re experiencing an imbalance in your base chakra.
Our base chakra connects us to our instincts. The Sanskrit name for the base chakra is Muladhara, which means root support, which is why this chakra is often referred to as the root chakra. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is the foundation of our entire chakra system and contains patterns passed down from our families – both our bloodline and our soul-line, making this a powerful chakra to connect with our heritage. Without a strong base chakra, our other chakras lack a strong foundation, and so our entire chakra system can be compromised. By strengthening our base, our other chakras can begin to flow with health, vibrance and energy, too.
If you have a deficient amount of energy in your base chakra, your strategy for survival may be to dissociate from your physical body and live predominantly in a fantasy world. By building the energy, strength and health of the base chakra, you will strengthen your survival instincts and enhance your ability to deal with reality. Many people who are deficient in the energy of this chakra may find they are underweight – chronic disorganisation and a severe lack of boundaries are other side-effects.
Of course, excessive amounts of energy in the base chakra can create a different set of challenges. Security and safety can become over-emphasised, preventing us from moving forward in life, and instead of being able to ‘push through’ we become more stuck. This excessive energy can manifest as rigidity in ideas and attitudes, and as material greed. It can also manifest in too much body weight and /or extreme feelings of tiredness. Releasing stuck energy in this chakra can lead to learning how to ‘let go’ and to become more active, more motivated and able to move forward.
When we balance our base chakra, we can develop a deep trust in our place in the world, and a strong sense of personal safety and security underlies every step we take in life.
Evaluating your base chakra
Simply answer YES or NO to each of the statements below. If you score more than four Nos it may indicate that your base chakra is imbalanced. If you score four or more YES answers, wonderful! You are balanced in the base centre.
∆ I exercise regularly.
∆ My diet is healthy and balanced most of the time.
∆ I’m comfortable with my level of prosperity and abundance.
∆ I take the time to visit nature on a regular basis.
∆ I feel good about my body.
∆ I feel happy about how I earn my living – it is satisfying and enjoyable.
∆ I focus on today – I feel connected and grounded to what I am doing at the time.
Practices to balance your base chakra…
Reconnecting with your body
One of the most powerful ways of balancing your base chakra is through reconnecting with your physical body using practices such as yoga, massage, and physical activity.
Chakradance – The Dance of Mother Earth
Blending free-flowing movements with particular frequencies of sound, Chakradance is a dynamic dance journey through the 7 chakras. The first dance, the dance of the base chakra, draws inspiration from tribal dancing, as found in the indigenous cultures of Africa, Australia and North America. These dances are linked to our roots, survival and grounding. In Chakradance we envisage dancing around an ancient campfire, bringing our own tribal dance to life. We also draw inspiration from the natural movements found in the animal kingdom. Shamans believe that animals can teach humans the power of instinctual energy and animal dances are deeply entrenched in shamanic ritual. A tiger, a snake, a dragon may join you – all animals whose energies correspond to the base chakra energies.
For more information on Chakradance classes and music specifically to dance the base chakra go to
5 Top Tips for balancing your base chakra:
1. Create a clean and healthy home environment, and spend as much time as possible in healthy environments, especially nature.
2. Find a form of exercise that really suits you, and carry it out in a balanced way.
3. Eat healthily and ensure that you are getting the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients for your body.
4. Learn to listen to your body’s needs – know the signs when illness is coming on, or when you need to take a break etc.
5. Limit the amount of toxins you put into your body – this includes alcohol and drugs, but also the toxins in the food you eat, the chemicals in your cleaning products etc.
Base chakra crystals
hematite, garnet, bloodstone, onyx, ruby
These crystals may be placed on the location of the base chakra (the base of your spine) for clearing, revitalising and healing. You may even choose to carry one of these crystals with you throughout your day.
Base chakra oils
Cedarwood, patchouli, musk
These oils can be used in massage treatments, burned in an oil burner or you may even add a few drops in to your bath.
Mother Earth Meditation
Imagine yourself in nature, a setting that connects you deeply to Mother Earth. See, feel, smell and hear her energy. Mother earth holds us, supports us, nourishes us. Step further into this scene and begin to embody the qualities of Mother Earth, become nature, let her fill your bones, your body. She is safe, nurturing. Surrender to the Great Mother and let yourself be held. Let her take you on a journey and encounter the deep healing powers of her energy. You may meet a power animal or a guide with a message. Be open to the mysteries of the earth, hear her music, feel her, become one with the earth.
Everyday ways to balance your base chakra
Experiment with playing in the base chakra – hug a tree, wear red (the colour the base chakra resonates to), walk bare-foot and feel your feet on the ground. Choose red foods, eat protein and most of all enjoy being here in your physical body!
I’ll be talking about each of the seven major chakras, and ways to balance them, in the coming weeks.