How much is this marketing mistake costing your health practice?

Hi there
I was on a call with one of my Fast Track clients yesterday and I had to remind her of an important lesson about managing customers. I wanted to share this with you to help you avoid the same “deadly” mistake I see so many practitioners making.
In customer relations the number one rule is to stay current in your customers heads’. Running a health practice is likely sucking you dry of all the energy you possess. Therefore, the last thing you want to do at the end of a long day is write emails, letters and other marketing materials to remind your clientele about you.
I can totally relate!
But here’s the lesson many of my current clients have learnt the hard way in the past:
In an age where digital communication is the norm it doesn’t take long for you to be forgotten by your customers. Guess what happens when they do?
They go elsewhere when their next appointment is due.
It’s not because they don’t like you. It’s more to do with being distracted and reacting to the first marketing message they are exposed to – often at your cost – because they could end up customers of your competition.
Unless you stay current in their mind by occasionally sending them valuable information they can use to simplify their lives, avoid pain, and get better health results in less time you are not providing them with the true value they deserve.
Regardless whether they are employed, retired or self employed, I’m sure you can give your clients value. Give them information they crave, but something that doesn’t negate using your services. It’s the best way to build trust, mutual respect and possibly even friendship.
Please note that I DIDN’T just tell you to bombard your clients with “special offers” and “free steak knives” etc! Only by consistently offering them good quality information that is of relevance and value to them do you become a trusted, regular presence in their lives, and therefore the practitioner of choice when its time for them to seek health treatment or advice. As a rule of thumb, for every five “value based” communications you send your clients, you are entitled to give them one “special offer” to prompt some action such as booking in to see you.
On the flip-side, send them nothing at all and you risk leaving them feel like you don’t appreciate or care about them – and I’ve never met a natural health practitioner who doesn’t care about his or her clients. Marketing your health practice is a pretty simple concept when you think about it in those terms!
So, here’s what to do:
Get busy writing a series of follow up emails then plug your database into an email newsletter mailing list. This is easier than you think; simply use a good database management software, also called autoresponder services and you are off to a flying start.
You can source info from past newsletters, items you download from the net, or post ideas and things you have learnt from your clients that week, much like I am doing now.
Either way, your clients will know that you haven’t forgotten them, and your practice will instantly benefit from additional bookings. After all, consider how much easier it is to book in a past client for an appointment as opposed to trying to coax a new person in “off the street”!
All the best,
PS. If you are keen to hear more from me about how you can create an ultra successful Health practice without giving up your freedom and lifestyle, I have recorded a seven part DVD series valued at $249  – as a Wellbeing reader you can grab your free copy now at

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The WellBeing Team

The WellBeing Team

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