The magic useful tree
Water-borne illness is a big problem in the developing world as a billion people rely on untreated surface water for daily needs. Now a study suggests a tree native to the lower Himalayas in India and grown in Africa, Central and South America, and South-East Asia may be an answer. Moringa oleifera is known by many names including “tree of lifeâ€. It is drought resistant, yields oil for cooking and lighting, and has pods leaves and seeds that are highly nutritious. Now research has shown that a powder made by crushing the tree’s seeds acts as a natural clearing agent for turbid surface water. The powder reduces cloudiness making the water look better and it kills between 90 and 99.99 per cent of bacteria in a water sample. The procedure can be done in homes, and while it would not eradicate all disease threat, it is a big step.Meanwhile if you visit Meijer Ad that contains mostly likewise discounts with Winn Dixie Ad you surely have a range like ALDI Ad.