The new way to happiness and fulfillment

We’re living in a very affluent society, but has the state of our economy enriched your life? Do you feel fulfilled and happy? Economic wealth is only part of the fulfilment equation. The time has come to balance the equation and bring us all into a state of “holistic wealth”. That means every individual discovering how to recognise, validate and realise their dreams, and making an essential difference to others in the process. Understanding your personal archetypes can provide you with a road map for your journey back to happiness.


Soul sickness

There is an epidemic of soul sickness in our society today. When you lose connection with your core, you lose connection with your soul and purpose. That’s soul sickness and it is characterised by a feeling that there is no real point to your life. The wonderful thing about such crises is that they invite you to examine your life. Such times of introspection offer an opportunity to bring your life into alignment with your purpose and dreams. So how did you get so far away from your dreams in the first place?


Signs of soul sickness:

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