Journeys of the Spirit

Journeys of the Spirit organises wellness holidays, spiritual journeys and unique Travel experiences for individuals and small groups, allowing them to reconnect to their wisest and highest self. Connecting with and learning from the wisdoms of indigenous healing elders and the world’s sacred sites, attendees are led on a journey in a range of destinations including Bhutan, India, France, Spain, Peru, Cambodia, Japan and Italy.

Founder Julie Baker works intuitively, bringing together her 34-year career in travel, tourism, mentoring and lecturing as well as her spiritual practices — yoga, meditation, shamanic and natural healing — to create opportunities for people to step away from life’s distractions and immerse themselves into the healing traditions and energy sites of this wonderful planet.

The journeys

While all journeys are different, each is fun, safe, supportive and nourishing. All travel experiences include the luxury of stunning accommodation, pampering treats, deliciously healthy food and activities to make your spirit soar.


Each journey is handcrafted and is designed to immerse attendees into the indigenous healing wisdoms and sacred sites of that particular destination. Journeys of the Spirit weaves internal and external experiences throughout these experiences to create an opportunity for deep transformation. Destination selections are either intuited or received in a meditation and it can take more than a year to create the final product. Sourcing, collaborating and co-creating with the elders, healers and keepers of the ancient wisdoms, Journeys of the Spirit creates a genuine healing experience that truly reflects the jewels of these ancient wisdoms.

Possible destinations include:

NOTE: there are only two UNESCO World Heritage walks in the world and Journeys of the Spirit does both — the Kumano Kodo in Japan and the Camino in Spain.

These are just a few of the experiences that Journeys of the Spirit makes available to you. To discover the destination of your dreams, contact Julie and the team.

Connect with Journeys of the Spirit

P: 0427 766 716

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