

Managing stress and nurturing your hormone health

Stress is not the public enemy number one it is often made out to be. Short bursts of stress can actually be helpful; the problem is the rise of long-term chronic stress, which wreaks havoc on our hormones. Naturopath and clinical nutritionist, Ema Taylor, shares her tips for calming your nervous system and nurturing your hormone health.


Tuning into your fertility

There is a growing distrust of hormonal contraception as women struggle with a long list of side effects. But what are the alternatives? Naturopath and fertility expert Ema Taylor is advocating for evidence-based, non-hormonal contraception. Here, she reveals how you can use the Fertility Awareness Method to prevent pregnancies or conceive successfully.

How to boost your libido with JS Health

We talk sex, wellness and libido boosting with JS Health

What began as one woman’s mission to share her health journey in the name of helping others is now a thriving multi-million-dollar business. But beyond the celebrity status and best-selling books, Jessica Sepel has remained true to her mission of helping others reach their health nirvana. Now, the nutritionist has answered the calls of her community and released a new supplement to add to her growing range: Hair + Libido.

Why you should love and not loath your sex hormones

Why you should love and not loath your sex hormones

Feeling moody? Sore boobs? Skin breaking out? The three main sex hormones created by the ovaries — oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone — are most likely to blame. Discover what your sex hormones do, how they do it and ways you can keep them balanced.

No more moanin’ about your hormones

No more moanin’ about your hormones

It’s normal for hormones to rise and fall throughout your menstrual cycle. If this delicate dance is hindered in any way, you might experience anxiety, irregular periods, weight gain, fatigue and more.