
WILD horoscopes: Whats in store for the coming months?

October 2020 to Janurary 2021 |

Find out your Sun (creative, vital, identity self), Moon (emotional, reflective and feeling self) and Rising signs (how you meet the world with your Sun energy) for the juiciest read. Remember, I am just guiding you towards what the stars are encouraging; at the end of the day it’s up to you to make the empowered choice on what the energies at play mean for you.

Urban Gardening

Urban gardening: The beauty of growing your own

For Byron Smith, gardening is the ultimate lesson in surrender, patience and presence. Byron’s love for nature and growing food led him to start Urban Growers, a company mindfully designing edible gardens and urban farms. Knowing how to grow your own food — even if it’s some herbs on your balcony — is a life skill you need in your repertoire. Why? Because gardening is about more than just growing food. It’s actively participating in a practice that’s building a greener future.

No more moanin’ about your hormones

No more moanin’ about your hormones

It’s normal for hormones to rise and fall throughout your menstrual cycle. If this delicate dance is hindered in any way, you might experience anxiety, irregular periods, weight gain, fatigue and more.

The rise of the “sober curious” generation

The rise of the “sober curious” generation

In a society that has long treated alcohol as a dichotomy — either you’re a vodka-guzzling party animal or a teetotal, clean-living yogi — a new generation is searching for the middle ground. How are they navigating a culture still set on making socialising synonymous with drinking?


Experiencing eco-anxiety?

Anxious about the future of the planet? Don’t worry, us too. A great deal of climate fear comes from being afraid of how you’ll be able to cope in the face of change or disaster. Here, we take an in-depth look at how to forge forward.