What factors contribute to weight loss and weight gain?

By becoming aware of the reasons for weight gain we are able to identify and make positive changes to achieve weight loss.

Sustainable weight loss
Sustainable weight loss must be a slow and natural process rather than a crash diet. To help achieve optimal results, it’s important to determine the cause of weight gain. This can be achieved by assessing your metabolism. A naturopath or other health practitioner will be able to assist with this through the use of calorimetry equipment to identify a dysfunctional metabolism. This will help pinpoint the factors that influence weight gain and the practitioner can devise a program to addresses these issues. As metabolic changes can take over two months to occur, a healthy weight loss plan must take a sustained approach.

If you are unable to attend a metabolic clinic, there are several common factors that can be used to identify potential reasons for weight gain.

Sedentary lifestyle
An inactive lifestyle with minimal physical activity means fewer kilojoules are burned and more fat is stored. Get active and start doing regular physical activity each day to assist with weight loss.

Alcohol consumption also contributes to weight gain. Cutting out alcohol from your diet will assist with weight loss. If you’re not willing to totally eliminate alcohol from your diet, gradually reduce your intake to see beneficial results.

Food choices
When eating on the go or eating out, we tend to choose convenient, processed foods or rich restaurant meals that contain hidden too many calories. Try to make sensible food choices by reading labels on food products to assist with weight loss.

Snacking and time constraints
When you’re looking after a family it’s common to put your needs last. This is where unhealthy habits such as snacking or eating on the go may be picked up. Time constraints may also mean we tend to favour fatty and unhealthy takeaway foods. Although it may be difficult, try to find the time to cook or buy healthier prepared food.

Stress and emotional reasons
Stress may contribute to overeating or unhealthy eating, leading to weight gain. Emotional, or comfort, eating is a common contributor to weight gain.

Healthy weight loss
The key to healthy and successful weight loss does not lie in a quick fix. Once you’ve identified the factors that contribute to weight gain you will be able to start a personalised weight loss plan that takes a sustained and healthy approach.

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