Malabsoprtion syndrome

Malabsorption is the failure of the body to absorb minerals, vitamins and nutrients from dietary intake, which often results in nutritional deficiencies. In digestive disorders, if food is not sufficiently broken down, it cannot be absorbed through the lining of the intestines and can ferment causing abdominal discomfort. The four key organs involved in digestion are the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder and the liver and any dysfunction of these organs can lead to impaired digestion. The nutritional deficiencies that result can affect multiple organ systems and produce a wide variety of effects.

Contributing factors: deficiency in digestive enzymes, food allergies, a diet deficient in enzymes, damage to the intestinal wall (e.g. Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease), chronic constipation, radiation therapy, surgery that reduces the length of the intestinal tract, an imbalance in intestinal microflora, antibiotics and old age.

Symptoms: constipation, diarrhoea, fatigue, flatulence, depression, muscle cramps, inability to concentrate, failure to grow normally, bulky and fatty stools, bloating, abdominal pain, thinning hair, unintentional weight loss or obesity, visual difficulties and issues with night vision.

Who to consult: dietician, gastroenterologist, GP, herbalist, homoeopath, naturopath, pharmacist.

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