Ginseng is an herb that has been used in Asian and Russian cultures for centuries for the flavour it adds to cooking but more importantly as an herbal medicine. The root of Asian Ginseng contains many active chemicals that give the herb its medicinal properties. It is dried and used to make tablets, capsules, teas, creams and poultices.
In Chinese medicine Ginseng it is said to affect the “chi” (energy) and is used to treat “yang” deficiency in the spleen and kidney. It is used as a tonic to stimulate the nervous system and boost the immune system. It can affect the body’s well-being both mentally and physically and helps lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure, aids in handling erectile dysfunction, illnesses such as Hepatitis C and even menopausal symptoms.
It is known as an adaptogen which means it affects each person differently i.e. it can calm a stressed person or stimulate someone who is tired. Similarly it may lower blood pressure in someone who has high blood pressure but raise it in someone who has low blood pressure. For this reason it needs to be used with care.
Siberian ginseng has different chemical components but can also increase energy and immunity as well as stimulate appetite and memory. It is used in Russia with success to help with stress and increase productivity.
The active ingredient in Siberian ginseng is called eleutherosides which increases stamina and stimulates the immune system. Ginseng also contains polysaccharides which boost the immune system and lower blood sugar levels.
It is believed it can help the body deal with exposure to heat, cold, exhaustion, viruses, bacteria, chemicals and extremes of noise and pollution. Research also shows that it can help with colds and flu, memory and concentration, increase muscle strength and assist the elderly in terms of mental alertness. Other studies show that it helps with lesions in herpes simplex virus in terms of lowering frequency and severity of outbreaks.
It is important to consult a natural practitioner before you start any natural supplements and is safe when used as directed.