Why not spice up your training and increase motivation by setting yourself a personal fitness challenge?
Select exercises that you enjoy and find challenging, test your ability, and set a goal for improvement. This allows you to focus on realistic, attainable goals and gives you something to work towards during your regular workouts.
Ensure that rest time between sets is accurately measured and that correct form is maintained so that all attempts are valid.
For those of you who aren’t sure where to start, here’s a quick fitness challenge that you can try yourself (Don’t forget to record your repetitions!):
Push ups (knees or toes) – Complete maximum amount of repetitions possible in 60 seconds. Ensure you maintain a neutral spine, and lower the chest to 10cm from the ground.
Wide grip pull ups (bodyweight or 50% of your bodyweight using the assisted pull up machine) – Complete as many repetitions as possible before complete fatigue.
Burpees – Complete as many repetitions as possible in 60 seconds.
Plank (knees or toes) – Hold the plank position for as long as possible and record your time.
Step ups – Perform as many alternating step ups as possible in 60 seconds.
Always remember to warm up before training, and to cool down and stretch after.
Have fun!