Meditation in Managing Anxiety, Depression &Pain
Meditation is a practice that creates space; the benefits of the practice outweigh the time required to meditate. So how can it help manage our wellbeing
Meditation is a practice that creates space; the benefits of the practice outweigh the time required to meditate. So how can it help manage our wellbeing
Mindfulness is a state of being in which you are focusing your awareness on the present moment. Combining awareness with curiosity, creates mindfulness.
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ~ John Muir What is it about natural spaces that makes us feel so alive and rejuvenated? Humans are intrinsically connected […]
These were her rituals, the routines that made her feel alive and connected. Without them, where would she be? Lost.” ~ Ben Sherwood Rituals are key to a mindful life, as they are a powerful way to ground and calm […]
“Meditation practice does calm us down — and this is important, but it is much more than a tranquilising technique. Meditation is a powerful way of getting deeply in touch with your life at its most essential level.” — Norman […]
“Awareness and presence in nature places us back in our body.” — Matt Sykes We all know the rejuvenating benefits of a hike in the forest, swim in the sea or afternoon nap on a sunny patch of grass. Spending […]
Letting go of perfectionism may be the key to a life well lived.
By welcoming the inevitable changes in your life — big and small — you can take powerful, aligned action.
Applying the principles of mindfulness to our smart phones, computers and the internet can help us enjoy a better relationship with our tech.
By freeing ourselves from attachments to outcomes or the weight of unnecessary possessions, we can live life with a greater sense of being.